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Silence at a crescendo
There are some feminine dreamsWhere only silence reigns.One should rush in And rush offAfter planting a kiss.
The lips and cheeks would bloomLike flowers scented withSudden exclamations.
Ins't it at such a deep silenceThat the world shrieks?
There are some feminine bodiesThat get wet in silence.One feels like sponging upWhen no one is noticingThe beads of sweatThat laugh uproariously.
The limbs get interchanged andGo mad in the brilliance ofThe tastes and aromas.One loves so muchThe noisy memoriesThat are silentAt a distance.
Translated by Ra Sh
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.In memories
He lovedMoonlit nights reeking of illicit brewsAnd places where the rain fell thick and fatAnd the jungles and the rivers.
He, who did not relishReveries or words about women.
Boys were spiedWalking with him joyfully.Like balloons soaring away.
Trees with smoke swirling aroundTheir tops till they drooped down.
He sketched flowers on my thighsIn the shade of the woodsAfter the rains.Spring blossomed on the loins.
Each flower reminds me nowOf the way the forest lay supineAnd, the way he lay.
Traslated by Ra Sh
à´¦േà´¶ീയപാà´¤ à´µീà´°്à´¤്à´¤് à´µീà´°്à´¤്à´¤്à´µീà´Ÿിà´¨ു à´®ുà´•à´³ിà´²ൂà´Ÿെà´’à´°ു à´¦ിവസമങ്à´™് à´ªാà´ž്à´žു à´ªോà´µും!à´žാà´¨് നടന്à´¨ à´®ുà´±്à´±ം, à´®ുà´±ികളടുà´•്à´•à´³,മണ്à´£ിà´²് à´žാà´¨ുà´®ുà´®്മയും à´µാà´ª്പയുംà´¨ീà´°്à´¨്à´¨് à´•ിà´Ÿà´¨്à´¨ മഴ à´°ാà´µുà´•à´³്,à´žുà´ž്à´žുà´µും à´¸ുà´¨ുà´µും നടന്à´¨ു പഠിà´š്à´š മണ്à´£്,അവളും à´žാà´¨ും à´®ിà´£്à´Ÿാà´¤ിà´°ുà´¨്à´¨ à´®ുà´±ിà´¯ിà´²െ ഇരുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ്..ആദ്യത്à´¤െ സങ്à´•à´Ÿà´®ാനന്ദമുà´¨്à´®ാദങ്ങള്
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Life Space
the National Highwaywill bloat up and speed overthe house one day.
the front yard where i walked, the rooms,the kitchen, the rainy nights in whichme, vappa and umma lay on the bare ground,the earth on which njunju and sunustrolled up and down to study,the darkness in the room where me and shesat without speaking……everything will now melt in the asphaltas a blend of vehicles guffawed and rushed by.
unaware of all this,the jasmine puts out white blossoms,the jackfruit tree emits its lunatic ecstasy,the henna reddens its fingers,even in sorrow the hand persists with the salaatut thasbeeh,the river calls us to its depths.
but, my dear National Highway,will you ever remember usas you dash ahead?will you feel our existence underneath?if any vehicle overturns on the road,please don't say it skidded on the gruelthat spilled over boiling from our hearth.
will you at least remember thatbeneath you there used to besprings of life?
Translated by Ra Sh
Life Space
the National Highway
will bloat up and speed over
the house one day.
the front yard where i walked, the rooms,
the kitchen, the rainy nights in which
me, vappa and umma lay on the bare ground,
the earth on which njunju and sunu
strolled up and down to study,
the darkness in the room where me and she
sat without speaking……
everything will now melt in the asphalt
as a blend of vehicles guffawed and rushed by.
unaware of all this,
the jasmine puts out white blossoms,
the jackfruit tree emits its lunatic ecstasy,
the henna reddens its fingers,
even in sorrow the hand persists with the salaatut thasbeeh,
the river calls us to its depths.
but, my dear National Highway,
will you ever remember us
as you dash ahead?
will you feel our existence underneath?
if any vehicle overturns on the road,
please don't say it skidded on the gruel
that spilled over boiling from our hearth.
will you at least remember that
beneath you there used to be
springs of life?
Translated by Ra Sh