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hid a skeleton in a dark room
in great secrecy.
His daughter opened
the room by chance and saw it!
She got scared, screamed in terror,
shivered all over, and caught a fever.
But she opened the room
again. And again. Fear gave way
to friendship. She borrowed
a three-piece suit from her friend
and robed him in it. Cut hair
from her sleep-mate-doll and fixed it
on his head. Filled his eyes with
two blue marbles. Made him handsome
with a stylish hat. Gloves and shoes hid
the bones that were his hands and feet.
Moonlight filled the room.
The mother heard her talking to someone
and came to the room.
When she saw it, fireflies dropped
from her eyes, one by one.
Police arrested the Major.
Took away the skeleton too.
Suddenly, as she watched awestruck,
a piece of moonlight shaped like a man
went upwards, climbing the stairs
of her house, one step at a time.
Translated by Jose Varghese
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A dawn that's very lazy,
or like what it was
before the universe
came into being,
or after it would cease
to exist.
A dawn like dusk,
a dusk like dawn.
A drizzle
in the sunlight.
A dry wind wafts off.
As time elapses,
something seems
amiss. Looked closer,
none of the limbs
are left on the body.
A search in a hurry;
is it possible
they were left and
forgotten somewhere?
Can't figure out.
A dawn like dusk
comes downhill, and
through the window,
they come home,
restless eyes, ears,
lips, arms and legs,
like tired kids
from a playground.
They climb quickly
on the body.
Ears fix themselves
where eyes should be.
Arms in the place of legs,
legs in the place of arms.
Ears see something,
eyes hear something,
legs pick food and
take it to the mouth,
arms amble around,
getting ready for a walk.
or like what it was
before the universe
came into being,
or after it would cease
to exist.
A dawn like dusk,
a dusk like dawn.
A drizzle
in the sunlight.
A dry wind wafts off.
As time elapses,
something seems
amiss. Looked closer,
none of the limbs
are left on the body.
A search in a hurry;
is it possible
they were left and
forgotten somewhere?
Can't figure out.
A dawn like dusk
comes downhill, and
through the window,
they come home,
restless eyes, ears,
lips, arms and legs,
like tired kids
from a playground.
They climb quickly
on the body.
Ears fix themselves
where eyes should be.
Arms in the place of legs,
legs in the place of arms.
Ears see something,
eyes hear something,
legs pick food and
take it to the mouth,
arms amble around,
getting ready for a walk.
Translated by Jose Varghese