Poems of Naorem Bidyasagar (Manipuri)

 Poems of Naorem Bidyasagar


The Panggong Tree¹


Mother Khullakpi²

Wife of the village chief

Went everyday with lunch

Wrapped in cloth

To her field that hanged down the hills .

I never asked

What she grew there .

At the day - break , she went

And with the setting - sun she returned .

Uttering no words from her lips .

Her face charred as black soil

Of brooks between the hills .

Dissatisfied ,

I told mother Khullakpi ,

Let me accompany you , O mother !

I am fully grown up

I will lead you .

With the strength of my arms

I will dig the surface of the hills

And grow crops there .

With a smile , my mother replied ,

Are you willing to go , my son ?

I led my mother

With a hat of dried leaves

The spade on my shoulder

I crossed fields after fields

In the ranges of the hills .

From a distance ,

I saw My mother's field .

Oh ! what is it !

Instread of growing arum , pumpkin , cotton

Chingshu , Leihao or Uningthu³ ,

Perplexed , I looked at the Panggong trees

Growing densely


Their red flowers

Spread all over .

Wiping two little drops of tear

With the tip of her clothes

Mother replied ,

Your brothers have gone

In search of me

In the forests of dense hills ,

And at the spreading foot hills .

I have been waiting

At the gate ,

And at the frontal post of the house

When will they return ?

They know only the forward journey

And never the road of return .

This is why ,

Your mother grows

The Panggong trees

All over the hills .

Where will I find , once again

The bodies of the unreturned ?

By the side of my mother

Perplexed , I stood

Like the tall pine oak tree

Of the conserved forest



Tr : Dr. Th . Baba Chandra Singha ' Bastard teak , Butea Frondasa ( Botanical name ) , When the death of a person is not physically known , an image is made of the stem and leaves of Panggong tree and cremated with the performance of yajana , After that all ceremonial rites are observed for death . 2Feminine form of Khullakpa , the village chief in the hills . ³Teak , Mishelia Mentana , Machilus Villosa respectively .



The Ceiling Fan

A ceiling fan is spinning

right on top of my head .

in the dead hours of night ,

my mind too is spinning

like a black spider

spinning a web

snapping and throwing .

the threads again and again .


Raising an inferno

burn I did to ashes .

the quiet straw shacks of villagers

in the violent Naga - Kuki holocaust .

My sabre preyed on the blood

of toddling Rohingya babies

their bodies soft like cotton wool .


In battles ethnic

between Hindus and Muslims

innocent villagers fell in blood - bathe

their heads axed from the trunk

like meats in a butcher's shop .

Yes , a ceiling fan is roaring

inside my mind

dark and rumbling

like a Nor'wester thunderstorm

violent and tempestuous .

Why today

a panic arises

from nowhere in me ?

Ah , pity my lusty steed

untamed and furious neighed

flagged tail in pride

kicked heels and busted

the precious watery urns .

of young virgins many

shattered into pieces .


Yes , like black spider

my mind webs

snapping and throwing

the threads again and again .

I wander around the globe .

Kashmir to Manipur

Pakistan to Myanmar

about Iran Iraq

and the remotest Africa ...

In the cities , streets and alleys

in offices and markets

every nook and corner

I find ' I ' everywhere .

The ferocious Osama

like a sandy castle

gave way to dust

at the touch of a finger .

A ceiling fan is whirling

above my head ,

its blades

shining bright like sharp swords .

In the still of the night

fear rides me reined ,

I see the Sudarshan Chakra

the all annihilating weapon

flung off the finger tip of Lord Vishnu !

Caught in a fright

I wake up and see only

a ceiling fan spinning fast ,

How startled I was !


( Translated into English by N Kirankumar Singh from Manipuri





What news is recounted.

By the cool gentle wind from the lake

Which has glided through the window

Towards the dwarfed banyan tree

Upon the shallow pot ?


Half a gulp of water

Every single day .

Cracked pieces of soil

For one moon ,

These are all

For the bonsai

Which decorate the drawing room .

It sees far away across the window

One big lake .

Cranes , gulls and pelicans are playing

Catching fish

Flying freely

Singing songs .

At the shore

Dragonflies play hide and seek

Among and atop reeds .

The bonsai is restive

And begins to sway to and forth

In the light wind .

Then , immediately

The wind Closes the window .

Like before , predictably ,

In one corner of the room

On a wooden table

There are

Empty wine bottles

An ashtray impregnated with cigarette stubs

One Bhagavat Gita bound tightly by cobwebs

Among the old tattered shoes .

While looking around

The bonsai can also see

A lampblack covered cat

Sitting on a dirty mat ,

A sword hung on the wall

Stained with dry blood ,

A club with animal hair on it

Hiding by the door ,

One broom

With its tail tucked between the legs ,


Layers of mosquitoes

Under the cot ,

Spiders laying traps

At every corner ,

Bunch of keys

Under the mattress ,

Worn out accounts ledger

For profit and capital ,

A bunch of hair

Bound by tear soaked handkerchief

Under the pillow .

For many years

These are the things the bonsai

Has witnessed .

It doesn't want to see

Any of them again .


At that moment

The cool breeze

Opens the window again .

There's a gust of fume

From the wet firewood

At the hearth ,

In that suffocation

The bonsai catches its breath

And looks out fearfully

Across the window Afar –

The swoop of cranes and gulls

Which bloomed over the lake



Naorem Bidyasagar Singha ( b.1972)
A renoun Manipuri poet, critic,translator, children poems writer.He has authored three poetry collections, two critical books, two translated books from Bengali to Manipuri, two edited books and published several research papers ,book reviews.He has been honoured with the Sahitya Akademi Award, Sahitya Akademi Translation Prize, Sahitya Akademi Bal Sahitya Puraskar, Manipur State Kala Akademi Award among several others. Currently he is working as an Assistant Professor of Manipuri at Gurucharan College, Silchar, Assam.
Add. Chaprou, Lakhipur, Cachar, Assam- 788103
Whatsapp. 9435390216

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