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Amma is not a romantic poem

While in half sleep

Half way through writing poetry 

In the early morning

Amma (mother) could be heard saying many things:

“Those young extravagant wenches on the bus

Quarreled with the men who bumped into them.”

“While the Adivasis in Aralam are given land

The ones here are shivering.”

“The villagers enjoyed repeating that you will not make 

The house with the money from the Panchayat.”

“The neighboring women will come to work to know

If the poor are giving their servants good food.”

“Wiring is over, now need to walk a hundred 

“Wiring is over, now need to walk a hundred times

To the Electricity office.

The ones having TV, phone, concrete house and rubber trees

Are pure BPLs (Below Poverty Line people) in this land.”

When the Sanskrit News sounds from the radio

Amma asks to switch it off and goes to work.

Translated from Malayalam by Dr Ajay Sekher.

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Obedient and a disciplined Feminist

Peels the onions patiently,

Cleans the baby’s shit,

Without any aversion

Calls the lover,

Nothing less than “darling”

For it satisfies her.

Devotional songs dons, 

Her dialler tunes and caller tones.

One who alarmingly tries to accept, 

Another who entered the temple, 

During her menses.

One who makes it a secret,

That she has not been for a film 



Breast, when these words still appears to 

Her as ‘unacceptable’ ones

 in public.

Journeying, she never searches,

 for a comfort station,

To pee.

One who calls her husband,

“Chetta” (with respect and showing devotion)

Even if she doesn’t wear tilak,

Hides her mangalsutra,

Inside her blouse,

Close to her bosoms.

Finishes the chores in the household,

To run to her office.

One who makes occasional visits,

To the tents of the protesters.

She knows not the existence of

Odourless alcohol.

One who is emotionless

When she sees a shankupushpam*

One who protects the purity of her culture

By sending her children 

For vidyarambham**

One who never lets her son,

Enter the kitchen.

One who never protests when her home

Is named after unrelated terms.

One who spits the word “security”

Several times,

When she hears about a rape case

Trans by Neville Thomas 

*shankupushpam : Butterfly pea; This flower adorns the shape of a female vagina arousing sexual undertones when referred metaphorically. Traditionally used in ayurvedic medicines as ingredient.

** vidyarambham : Hindutwa customary practice in Kerala where children start learning only after this practice in which they are helped by their godfathers or priests to write in alphabets and numbers on a tbali filled with rice grains 

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She who flew ahead

In our home
There is no TV
No fridge
Neither mixer
Nor grinder
Not even an iron- box
Yet my mother knew
How to operate these
Much before I did 
Like in Madhavi Kitty's stories
And the novels of MT
She is Janu
The servant. 

Tr.by Tijo Thomas

Bio Data

Born in 1981 at Perampra  Vijila was the daughter of Puttampoyil Balan and R.K. Janu , first collection of poems à´…à´Ÿുà´•്കളയിà´²്à´²ാà´¤്à´¤ à´µീà´Ÿ്‌ (House without Kitchen)She has been writing poems and articles in various Malayalam periodicals for over sixteen years. Her poems have been translated

into English, Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Nepali, Urdu and Telugu. Now residing in Ernakulam Mulanthuruthi.

Email vijilagaya@gmail.com


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