Poems Of Sereena


Poems Of Sereena


à´¸െà´±ീനയുà´Ÿെ à´•à´µിതകൾ




à´¤ോà´±്റവർക്à´•ുà´³്à´³ à´¤ൂവൽ



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The Feather for the Defeated




Have you ever watched again and again

the final match of a game 

already over and watched many times before?


Knows every move and its destiny

would watch the fast moves

that won't reach the goal post

without the usual rising heartbeats.


The cheers echoing

right at the moments expected.

 It is a watching that knows before it happens

where the openings and closures come up

and thus learns |there is no magic in movements.


But that cup

in the hands of the defeated

touches the heart

never ever wearied

by the repeated watchings.

The one made of the sweat of

unfulfilled moves

and unattained speeds.


It has the strength of seasoned iron

not the sparkle of the achiever's gold

the sharpness set for tomorrow echoes in it

l preferably kiss it

though it wounds my lips!




à´¨ാà´²ു മണിà´¯ുà´Ÿെ à´…à´²ാà´±ം





à´…à´²ാറത്à´¤ിà´¨ും à´®ുൻപ്

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à´’à´Ÿുà´µിà´²െ à´•ാà´±്à´±ിà´²െà´¨്നപോà´²െ

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ഉണർന്à´¨ിà´°ിà´•്à´•ുà´•à´¯ും à´šെയതു.


à´Žà´²്à´²ാവരുà´Ÿെà´¯ും à´ª്à´°ാതൽ

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മറ്à´±ാà´°ും à´•ാà´£ാà´¤്തവ.

പതഞ്à´žു à´ªൊà´¨്à´¤ി à´¤ൂà´µാà´¤െ

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à´¨ാà´²ു മണി à´¨േà´°à´™്ങളിൽ

ഇനിà´¯ും à´† à´µീà´Ÿിà´¨െ






Alarm at Four


That day for the first time

before alarm

the house was awoken.

the June showers

and its frightening magnitudes

mingled with loud cries.

the house was shaking

as if caught in the doomsday wind.


Placed beside the bed

on the window sill the time piece

sounded the alarmas scheduled

She didn't wake up at all.

For the first time in that house

she was long asleep and

others all well awaken.


Everyone's breakfast,

take away food, supper

and clean bedspread

oblivious of

all these concerns,

with the clock inside

stopped working

anxiety and speed not in mind

she slept.


Meant for tomorrow

scored and spiced

the fish-wounds

that others haven't seen.

the sours

and sweets

kept covered not to over froth and spill


The times of day

marked along with

the panting and gasping

running non-stop

from one work to the other






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Louder and Louder


Wearing tattered sarees

one over the other

bags hung on shoulders

and forearms.

and calling out Shakespeare

louder and louder

- the woman l used to see

in the crowded bus station

on my routine bus rides

many a day.


A soiled and oily

news paper in one hand

spread and the other arm raised

she, in exquisite words,

spoke on to listeners

in her memory

louder and louder.


When the bus moved

our flashing gazes rubbed against

smarting mine and I passed her.


Words uttered aloud never tell anyone anything,

the silence of a person

deprived of words is a train shooting past.

on a bridge that shook at each step

word and silence

moved past each other

below, the same water baptized the two.


a swing tracing heights

arrested and stilled

at the edge of vision,

can you imagine?


in the midst of speaking vigorously

some people get pinned unawares

 to the nail of silence

-the swing is theirs

and they are speaking on and on

in loudness the world cannot hear.


on this side of time

sitting on the bitter-tasting swing board

recalls her.


A train shoots past.

the same iron lines

baptized the two

in blood

as trunk and head.


Translated by KC Muraleedharan

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