Three English poems of Jayaram Nayar



1.      My Escape Hope

That the pain and med will let go,

We shall travel, unmissed, just two.


Paint the fading horizon red,

In crimson sky, your silhouette,

Dazzle the setting sun with your brilliance,

Greet the emerging moon, a starry effulgence,


Then –

Sing to the flow of Kallada, the mud, the ebb, the tide,

Watch the flow adrift, wet feet in deep quietude,

Sit on the steps of   thoughts pre-destined,

Descend to myopic incertitude, sure entwined.



to the thud of the yellow leaf hit the wet ground, 

The sun’s ray strike the clayey field, proud, unbend


Move on

to the lullaby of the backwaters at Munroe’s Island,

Drift with the bonding moss and canoe’s fishy legend,

Tales of the black kings and the sly red queens,

Tall brags of dwarf brigands of yester screens,

Meaningful narratives brought by winds on to the mast,

from a meaningless, distant, low lying, flooded past.


Black and red beetles, move slow,

Lines telltale, to support and toe,

Divine, green foliage,

Pristine, non-carbon tutelage.


Let us escape


On welcome trains that seem longer,

as they hurtle past steely stronger,

Pretend we are going somewhere,

Yet, we know we are going nowhere.


Help me overcome


This sense of wringing hurt,

This hanging bat of dread,

Calm my non-linear split mind,

Flash brightened; flash darkened.




2.      Moneylender of Thevalakkara

His face grim, tense, scarred,

Dark, dense, ever doubted,

Ebony fingers outstretched,

Eagle eyes bespectacled,

Starched, white sleeve,

Coins strangled on sieve,

Granulated, unkempt bond,

Unwrit interest, unwilling land,

Not even a hoarse whisper,

The silence of the prosper.


3.      A Lost Chase

As your shadows turn to run round the bend,

Away from my lost ground, my unsteady hand -

You are far to hear the murmur of my heartbeat,

Or sense a tremor of slight, so painfully felt,

Sweat, a defiant threat,

Wrapped in ignited fear,

So unlit, a fright, so insecure,

Sands that sink further with each unmoved trudge,

But that was yesterday, today I hold no grudge.

Jayaram Nayar

Retired banker turned academic.  I am 68 years old. Has a Ph. D in Economics. Writes poems and short stories in English, and on banking & economics.

Phone No 8547605515

Address KLRA 5, Triveni, Kukiliar Lane, Near DPI Junction Jagathy Thiruvananthapuram 695 014  


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